The formula 1 driver section allows you to select your favorite F1 driver and view different breakdowns on their career F1 points, team battle statistics, race by race breakdown, how they performed for specific constructors and general career statistics. Here you will find the F1 statistics for Jody Scheckter in full.

Jody Scheckter - F1 driver
za.webpJody Scheckter
Starts: 112
World championships: 1
World championships (under selected PSS): 1
Wins: 10
Podiums: 33
Fastest laps: 5
Poles: 3
Country: South Africa
Date of birth: 29/01/1950
Wikipedia: Jody Scheckter

All time driver rank for Jody Scheckter per points scoring system
*click rank or points for career GP breakdown of Jody Scheckter.

Career stats for Jody Scheckter

Fastest laps556
Total GPs11266
Average wins / GP0.0939
Average podiums / GP0.2939
Times world champion*118
Best position in a GP1 -
Hattricks0 -
Best position in a season2 (1977, 1979) -
Driver in current seasonno -
First season of driver1972 -
Last season of driver1980 -
Number of seasons969
*note: the total amount displayed here is the actual number of championships achieved. Not based on the selected point scoring system.

Streaks for Jody Scheckter

Career team battles for Jody Scheckter

Career team battle for Jody Scheckter (includes partial season battles)
TypePosition in GPTeammates (position)Points in GPTeammates (points)
Wins121x - Eddie Keizan 1974 (+1)
2x - Patrick Depailler 1974 (+3), 1976 (+4)
1x - Michel Leclere 1975 (+1)
1x - Jean Pierre Jabouille 1975 (+1)
2x - Ian Scheckter 1975 (+1), 1976 (+1)
1x - Alessandro Pesenti-Rossi 1976 (+1)
1x - Kazuyoshi Hoshino 1976 (+1)
1x - Bobby Rahal 1978 (+2)
1x - Keke Rosberg 1978 (+1)
1x - Peter Revson 1972 (+1)
83x - Patrick Depailler 1974 (+33 points), 1975 (+6 points), 1976 (+9 points)
2x - Ian Scheckter 1975 (+8 points), 1976 (+3 points)
1x - Alessandro Pesenti-Rossi 1976 (+9 points)
1x - Keke Rosberg 1978 (+6 points)
1x - Bobby Rahal 1978 (+10 points)
Draws11x - Patrick Depailler 197571x - Eddie Keizan 1974
2x - Gilles Villeneuve 1980, 1979
1x - Jean Pierre Jabouille 1975
1x - Kazuyoshi Hoshino 1976
1x - Michel Leclere 1975
1x - Peter Revson 1972
Losses52x - Gilles Villeneuve 1979 (-1), 1980 (-3)
2x - Denny Hulme 1972 (-1), 1973 (-5)
1x - Peter Revson 1973 (-4)
32x - Denny Hulme 1972 (-4 points), 1973 (-10 points)
1x - Peter Revson 1973 (-24 points)

Season overview for Jody Scheckter
SeasonTeamGrand prixPointsPositionWinsPodiumsFastest laps

Teams for which Jody Scheckter has competed

Seasons where Jody Scheckter is world champion.

Wins for Jody Scheckter

Fastest laps for Jody Scheckter
119742x - France (Tyrrell), Germany (Tyrrell)
219761x - Germany (Tyrrell)
319772x - Monaco (Wolf), Japan (Wolf)

Poles for Jody Scheckter
119761x - Sweden (Tyrrell)
219771x - Germany (Wolf)
319791x - Monaco (Ferrari)
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For the selected driver an overview is provided of his F1 career statistics:
  • On top the main statistics are provided next to the picture of the driver and some bio details.
  • The career points progression overview shows the cumulative points achieved by the driver in his career over seasons.
  • The points per season overview provides the points achieved per season based on the selected points scoring system including end position based on selected PSS.
  • The all time driver rank table shows the number of F1 points and rank under each points scoring system, as well as the average points per grand prix (and overall rank betweeen brackets).
  • The pie charts provides a visual overview of wins, podiums and non-podiums finishes.
  • The table 'number of times position x achieved in a GP' provides a overview of the career position achievements of the selected F1 driver.
  • The teambattles piechart provides a view on wins/draws/losses team battles in the F1 driver's career. In the table below you can find the details on which drivers make up this pie chart. All both in term of points and positions.
  • The teams tables provides the teams / constructors for which this driver has competed. Click on the team to see more details.
  • At the bottom three tables (if applicable for the selected driver) with an overview of F1 wins, fastest laps and championships.
Date last modified: 2024-04-29 23:03:37 - 1 day ago



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